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FA Schola Ensemble


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FA Schola Center for Early European and Oriental Music

by the University of Tartu is founded in collaboration between the University of Tartu and Festivitas Artium in January 2000. FA Schola Center's aim is to research an compare early European and Asian cultures through music. The Center works under the auspicies of Tartu Student's House and is located on the ground floor of the Tartu Universtiy main building, room nr. 031.

As a Greek loan word in Latin, schola's original meaning was "psending time in intelligent conversation". Later the more familiar  meanings of 'teaching' and 'scholarly' were conflated with it. FA Schola Center unites both the old and the more reacent meaning: in addition to teaching, the centre organises concert projects where students of music are given an opportunity to play and perform together with professional musicians.

FA Schola Ensemble, working under the auspices of the University of Tartu, focuses primarily on the European medieval music. Members of the ensemble are also active in teaching a variety of instruments. As a centre of study, FA Schola's purpose lies in researching, comparing and propagating through music the European medieval and traditional Oriental cultures.



XXIX International Festival ORIENT et OCCIDENT Vol. 1


The mounument project of Georg Hackenschmidt has approved some final details


 The monument of G. Hackenschmidt


Taiji Yang style trainings 


FA Schola presents:
CD "Music from the Time of Marco Polo"


FA Schola presents:
CD "The Sound of
Medieval Flute"